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My week in an instant

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Hi Friends! I had higher hopes of posting some stuff this weekend, but most of it was spent in bed with amazing (awful) migraine. Unfortunately I am part of the masses that have no medical insurance so I can no longer afford my prescription medication for said migraines. I have become an amateur chemist now trying to find a nice balance of pain meds to help alleviate my pain. Anyways, I am feeling better, so on with my past week in pictures!


A delicious pumpkin spice cupcake with vanilla frosting!

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My OCD coming through when it comes to Tiny Tower and the lovely clouds on my way to work one morning.


Starbucks riding the failtrain and giving me a fork with my oatmeal 🙁

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My awesome little metal monkey that I got from a Toys R Us quarter machine and my fingers after eating some DELICIOUS Peppermint Bark Chex Mix


My janky computer set up – no internet, but at least a computer!

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An OMG moment of The Impulsive Buy linking and new food that I sampled yesterday for the blog!

29 October, 2012

My week in an instant


Working on a project that I hope to post tomorrow!

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Got both Xbox 360s back from the repair shop! Also treated myself to some new books.


My awesome new desktop at work from

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Just a random scrunchy face and playing with the Frank Said What app – currently free in the Apple app store.


An awesome new game that I have been playing that challenges you to build various items with legos, and snap pics for points. It’s really addicting.

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Another shot of my Halloween nails and playing The Unfinished Swan on the PS3 (which I finished in approximately 3 hours)

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22 October, 2012

My week in an instant

You know how I was really excited about playing Happy Wars on Friday? That all changed very quickly. Richard downloaded it on his 360 first, and when we went to start playing it, it froze. Richard turned off his Xbox and started it up again to find that be had got the dreaded Red Ring of Death. He said its happened to him before and didn’t seem that phased by it (though if I were him, I’d be freaking out). I told him to pop his hard drive into my 360 and we could play it on mine until we figure out what we were going to do. So, he popped his hard drive into my Xbox and powered it on, greeted by… Red Ring of Death?!


I figured it was just a fluke thing and maybe it was just his hard drive, swapped them out, but with no luck. Crapola. I frantically called Microsoft and they said it most likely was not caused by the hard drive swap, and that I just have bad luck. But, they would be more than happy to fix both of our out of warranty systems (his being an original 360 and mine being an elite) for the tune of $99 dollars a piece and 4 – 6 weeks. Uh, thanks but no thanks.

After searching the Internet high and low, I found a local place that specializes in electronics repair and would fix and upgrade our systems for $45 a piece and had a 1 day turn around time, definitely more my style. Sadly they are closed on Sunday – so we anticipate getting them back tomorrow. I can’t wait.

Eating my feelings at Burger King – when did this place start sucking so bad?

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A view from my rear view mirror on my drive to work and the awesome
text messages I have to decode from my boss.

Delicious tomato soup and bread from Boudin’s SF

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A lackluster turkey pesto panini I had from Cafe Olivetti in Yuba City, CA.
and a delicious pumpkin ooey gooey bar from The Cookie Tree in
Yuba City, CA.

My junk food stash

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Having a bad hair day and rocking my Finn Adventure Time hat
and bringing home donuts for the fam.

14 October, 2012