What I’m playing

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This week on what I’m playing:

Slots Journey – I have become mildly obsessed with slots games since my return from Reno, NV for my roommates bachelorette  party. I tend to enjoy this one more than the other slots game I play (Zynga Slots) because the coins refresh every hour. I’m also a bit of a competitionist when it comes to games, so there is plenty to unlock and play.

Song Pop – I love any sort of name that tune game, as I pride myself in having a vast collection of music and wide musical taste. As you can see, I have been smoking the competition. The only thing that I find difficult about this game is that I can only play it in places where I am alone or have company that does not mind loud musical bursts.

Zynga Slots – I don’t find this one as much fun as Slots Journey, but I tend to bounce back and forth between the two. I also will only play the slots in order, so there are a bunch that I have not tried yet because I have resolved myself to 5 staring Sea Whirl’d before checking out Zombie Dash.

All of these are free and are mildly entertaining – give them a look!

4 July, 2012
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