My week in an instant


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1. Decided to rock some plain black polish for the first time in a while.My pentacle ring is from The Bead Man and my aquamarine ring was given to me for my 16th birthday.

2. Starbucks sucks at spelling my name, and so does at least half of the population so I have found.

3. Panda Restaurant feast on election night.

4. Lunch at Cafe Olivette. Their special was pepperoni mushroom lasagna, with a choice of soup or salad. I didn’t feel like having either of those so I opted for french fries.

5. Midnight loves to drink water from the tap. So cute.

6. My drive home is 37 miles – which for the most part really sucks. But there are days where I get to view amazing sunsets like this one and it’s not so bad. I actually stopped in the middle of the road to take this picture (I was on a back road, no worries).

7. Gushers for breakfast y’all!

8. Me pretending to be some sort of model at work. I was rather pleased with my hair and outfit for the day. My top is from Torrid.

9. Added some polka dots to my nails for a little fun.

10. Watching videos on YouTube with the captions turned on can be quite hilarious, demonstrated by the video of Marvo from The Impulsive Buy.

11. Yet another amazing sunset on my drive home.

12. I finally found the Pumpkin Pie Spice Pringles after searching forever! See what I thought of them here.


14. My awesome Holiday Pie from McDonald’s.

11 November, 2012
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1 Comment

  • Reply Dustin MC S

    I find that long car rides are the best times to discover new music. If your data plan allows, I’d kick on Pandora or Slacker. Or you can pay for XM, which is worth it, if I’m honest.

    15 November, 2012 at 8:02 AM
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