- Midnight hamming it up.
- Awesome operation Band-Aids that Richard got for me at Target. He also picked up Pac-Man ones as well!
- I kind of lost my mind in the 50 cent bin at A-1 comics and bought a bunch of things. I regret nothing.
- A really unfortunate shaped cookie from The Cookie Tree.
- Waiting for Wreck It Ralph to start – I honestly hate going to the movies solely based on how most people are inconsiderate of those around them. We had an entire row of teens in front of us that would not stop yelling and talking. Infuriating.
- People search for the most random things and some how make it to SpoilYourDinner.com
- Hanging out at work – lookin fancy while battling a 4 day migraine.
- An amazing sunset while I was pumping gas. The sunsets in Northern California have been ridiculous lately.
- Flavored honey sticks from the auction. I initially tried these while in Seattle and was convinced that I would never find them again. I was complaining to Richard and he informed me that there is a vendor at the auction that sells all kinds of flavored honey. I only had a dollar cash on me so I had to pick 5 out of the 20 or so flavors, which was tough, but man these are SO good.
- I went to my Mom’s for Thanksgiving and got to spend time with my old lady, Kit Kat. She is a lovely 18 years young and I miss her so much.
- Kit Kat is such a natural in front of the camera.
- The amazing Thanksgiving feast my Mom prepared. Two things that were not pictured though were the delicious cinnamon rolls my Dad made and homemade sugar cookies he made as well.
- My cute baby boy Obi Wan – He always seems to make this face when you take pictures of him, it’s like he is perpetually surprised or something.
- Trying to get Obi to act more naturally yields even more hilarious results.
- I had zero room for pumpkin pie after dinner on Thanksgiving, so I opted to have it for breakfast on Friday.
- A rare moment of Kit Kat and I snuggling. She will let you pet her until the end of time but hates being held, so on the rare occasions where she forgets this, it’s always nice to take advantage.
- I found some old yearbooks in my Mom’s living room and man I was a looker.
- I never pack clothes when I visit my Mom’s because I have so many still at her place. I found this really old Threadless shirt hanging out in my room and decided to rock it for Black Friday.
- Dutch Brothers is slowly making its way South. Look out Starbucks – my favorite coffee establishment is coming to town.
- I also managed to dig out my old gaming systems and brought them home with me. This included my NES, Sega Genesis, PS1 & PS2.
- I found a huge bag of Tamagotchis tucked away in a box as well that I brought home with me.
- My hair was doing incredible things while I was at my Mom’s.
- Kit Kat looking contemplative.
- The two of us hanging out. Anytime she sees that I am taking her picture she always tends to go right for the camera and rub her face all over it.