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On the road again…

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When I was younger, I always thought it would be fun to move places – and even to this day, the thought of becoming a traveling nurse is something that I constantly toy with. Until it comes down to actually moving. I lived in the same house until I was 14, then my parents decided to move out of Los Angeles to Northern California. We moved a couple of times while living in the area – most of them were pretty low key since we were already pretty much living out of boxes. I finally ventured South to Sacramento on my own in 2008 and I have since moved 5 times (this weekend will be 6) in the last 4 years. The dreams of how fun it would be to move slowly fade as you are forced to pack your belongings into boxes. I must admit, I am a terrible packer. I have  a lot of motivation in the beginning to organize things and pack as I go, but then I get down to the wire and end up shoving everything in random boxes.

This is pretty much where I am at right now.

I started packing at the beginning of the month, knowing that I had to be out of my current place by October 1st. I of course started with all the easy stuff – clothes I don’t wear often, my toy collection, records, etc. Now I am down to 2 days before having to move out, and my room as degraded to the hot mess you see pictured above. Honestly, it’s a bit overwhelming. Tonight I plan to power through as much as possible so that by the time my Mom arrives tomorrow morning, it’s all ready to go.

Wish me luck.

28 September, 2012

Chop Chop!

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After whining about cutting my hair for months, I finally mustered up the courage to do it! I cut my hair back in 2009 when I got my braces off as some sort of look refreshing maneuver. I was content with the haircut when I was in the chair but as soon as I left, I hated it. I then vowed not to cut my hair, and I haven’t (with the exception of my bangs since then). But alas, its been in the 100’s lately here in California, andmy hair was becoming unbearable.  It was to the point where I was sitting on it, getting it caught in seat belts, hoodies, doors, my hands, everything and everywhere. Sadly because I can’t stay away from hair dye (natural colored or otherwise) I couldn’t donate my locks. In the end we cut off about 14 inches – and in true creeper fashion, I have the pony tail in a bag ontop of my dresser. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it – though I am sure it will get shuffled away somewhere and one day I will find it and be grossed out when I accidentally blindly reach into the bag. So far 24 hours later I am still in love, we will see how I feel after the first wash.

Have you ever done something cosmetically drastic that you have regretted?

31 July, 2012

What I’m Using

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Ever since converting to the darkside that is know as an Iphone – I’ve been mildly obsessed with checking out Apps. I’m sure any other smart phone user can relate to my addiction, so I thought I would devote a wee bit of time to talk about the Apps I am currently obsessed with.

This is a look at the Photography groups on my phone. Most of them are just 1 off Apps that I use on occasion, but there are a few that I will use almost every day.

+ Instagram – If you haven’t heard of Instagram yet, you apparently have been living under a rock. This was the first app that I downloaded on my phone, and I check it more times a day than I do any other social networking application. I follow a pretty creative group that consists of bakers, photographers, toy designers, and the like, so my feed is pretty diverse. I also try to keep from posting animal and food pictures, but I can’t help but sneak a few in every now and again. If you want to follow me, check me out at @pyropixie.

+ Picframe – This so far has been the easiest multiframe apps that I have found yet. As you can see I have FrameMagic and Photo Collage, but I keep going back to Picframe. It is extremely easy to edit, and I frame almost picture i take with it (including all of the pictures that get posted from my phone to my blog)

+ Pixlromatic – This has a decent grouping of post processing effects, I mostly use it for a few filters, but it has a ton of expansion packs available making a pretty awesome tool for people who use their Iphone as their exclusive camera.

The apps like Sticker time, #Catwang, Ima Unicorn, #WayCooler, Decopic, Lego, and Cool Faces all add fun elements to your photos and I tend to only use them exclusively when sending pictures to friends. Anyways check out these apps if you like and tell me what you think!

18 July, 2012

What I’m playing

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This week on what I’m playing:

Slots Journey – I have become mildly obsessed with slots games since my return from Reno, NV for my roommates bachelorette  party. I tend to enjoy this one more than the other slots game I play (Zynga Slots) because the coins refresh every hour. I’m also a bit of a competitionist when it comes to games, so there is plenty to unlock and play.

Song Pop – I love any sort of name that tune game, as I pride myself in having a vast collection of music and wide musical taste. As you can see, I have been smoking the competition. The only thing that I find difficult about this game is that I can only play it in places where I am alone or have company that does not mind loud musical bursts.

Zynga Slots – I don’t find this one as much fun as Slots Journey, but I tend to bounce back and forth between the two. I also will only play the slots in order, so there are a bunch that I have not tried yet because I have resolved myself to 5 staring Sea Whirl’d before checking out Zombie Dash.

All of these are free and are mildly entertaining – give them a look!

4 July, 2012


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Richard and I were looking for something fun to do – but it was so hot outside. We decided to hit up the local mini-golf and arcade, Sunsplash. We managed to find a game that we could total kill and make a serious ticket profit on. Most games require a 2 credit investment and will pay out around 5 tickets, we managed to find this game tucked in the corner that cost a single credit and our average payout was 45 tickets a credit. SCORE. There are 6 different games to choose from, and they all require you to throw ball pen balls at a large television screen. Our game of choice is one where you have 3 conveyor belts of diner food scrolling and you have to knock the food off, but avoid the poison bottles. By the end of our credits we were sore and sweaty (sexy!) but had amassed quite the trove of tickets. We blew it all on useless crap, but it was fun none the less.

2 July, 2012