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The view from my car at work

Holy cow, how is it already November?! I feel like every year goes by faster and faster. I guess that’s part of getting older. Anyhow – I feel like a total schmuck for pseudo neglecting this blog for my other website – but in all honesty, the other blog pretty much writes itself. Sometimes I find it hard to come up with inspiration of what to talk about – and I have also contracted some sort of creeping crud and feel like I have a mild cold as of Monday. LOVELY.

This month will be spent planning for Christmas, spending time with my family on Thanksgiving, and generally coming up with goals for next year. I really would like to have my Christmas shopping done before Black Friday. Contrary to popular belief, most of the deals on Black Friday are similar if not the same as the deals you will find one week before Christmas. I speak not only from various sites that I read, but as a former retail lackey. I do most of my shopping online, and look at shipping as insurance that I will not have to have human contact with the general populace. People turn into crazy monsters this time of year. There is nothing worth pushing someone out of the way for, punching someone for, calling someone horrible names for, or yelling at store employees for. It’s just stuff people!

This year we will be celebrating Thanksgiving at my Dad’s house this year. I haven’t spent a holiday at his place in a long time, so it shall be fun! Hopefully there will not be any snow. My goals for next year include working on my financial stability, finally getting into school, and securing a permanent place to live.

What are you plans for this month?

1 November, 2012

My week in an instant

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Hi Friends! I had higher hopes of posting some stuff this weekend, but most of it was spent in bed with amazing (awful) migraine. Unfortunately I am part of the masses that have no medical insurance so I can no longer afford my prescription medication for said migraines. I have become an amateur chemist now trying to find a nice balance of pain meds to help alleviate my pain. Anyways, I am feeling better, so on with my past week in pictures!


A delicious pumpkin spice cupcake with vanilla frosting!

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My OCD coming through when it comes to Tiny Tower and the lovely clouds on my way to work one morning.


Starbucks riding the failtrain and giving me a fork with my oatmeal 🙁

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My awesome little metal monkey that I got from a Toys R Us quarter machine and my fingers after eating some DELICIOUS Peppermint Bark Chex Mix


My janky computer set up – no internet, but at least a computer!

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An OMG moment of The Impulsive Buy linking and new food that I sampled yesterday for the blog!

29 October, 2012

Out for a walk

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So for those of you that don’t know, I moved at the beginning of October. It was rather bittersweet and I am still adjusting to my new surroundings. In the midst of the packing, driving, unpacking, storing, etc. I came down with what I can only guess was a stress induced plague. It really made my move that much harder.

After 2 1/2 weeks I’m finally starting to feel like myself. I’m still living out of boxes for the most part and still look like I live in my car, but my anxiety (and the plague) has subsided. Tonight I felt up for going for a walk. I am fortunate to live across the street from a beautiful park and in an area where I feel relatively safe walking around. The weather here in California has still been rather warm, it reached 90° here today, which is way hotter than my liking, but my walk this evening was beautiful. Just west of where I live is farmlands so there is nothing to obscure the sunset and tonight was no different.

As I walked I thought about my day, my job, and life in general. It was a nice way to decompress. I also spotted the tiniest little frog hopping around on the sidewalk and was vigilantly watched by a beautiful Himalayan cat on a brick wall. I foresee this becoming a regular occurrence.


18 October, 2012

What’s in my bag

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Let it be known that I hate purses. I own a small assortment of them, because it is nearly impossible to carry your wallet, keys and cell phone all in your pockets without looking like some sort of weird pocket stuffing hoarder. But given the opportunity, I will still try. I pretty much have two ideas/thought processes when it comes to bags/purses.

  • If I buy a smaller bag, I will in turn, carry less stuff .
  • The quickest way to clean out your purse/bag is to buy a new one.

Buying a smaller bag never works, and I resent buying the purse and never use it again. Cleaning out your purse by buying a new bag also doesn’t work because then you have a closet full of half full purses stuffed with half packs of gum, receipts and chapstick. Despite the failure in both of these ideas, it doesn’t stop me from doing them over and over again – the ole insanity plea kicks in I guess. I have 3 bags that I seem to rotate through, two of which are pictured here and here, but I often find myself going back to this bag. It has a ton of pockets and is great for tucking away every random thing I feel the need to carry around with me. It’s an OCD dream. So without further ado, here is what is in my bag:


  •  Trophy Queen Wallet – I spotted this while working Midnight Mass two years ago and had to have it. It is lined with plush leopard print and holds just the necessities. My only qualm with it is in the rare occasions that I do carry cash, I am forced to fold it into origami to tuck it into a pocket in the wallet. Sorry cashiers!
  • Ultimark self inking stamp – Nerd moment here. I am an avid geocacher. And the more logs you sign, the lazier you get it. I ordered myself this handy stamp that stamps __/__/__ pyropixie on logs – making it much easier to date and sign logs in a hurry.
  • Blistex Raspberry Lemonade – I am a chapstick addict and this stuff smells just like pink Starbursts – YUM!
  • Cupcake Coin Purse – I use this handy coin purse I picked up at Target during back to school to hold all my store loyalty cards.
  • Flash Drives – I need two because I always seem to misplace one while working on the other. I most recently found the one with the pink cord in my sock drawer.
  • Yellow Whistle – I purchased this fun little whistle with tickets that I won at Sunsplash.
  • Hello my name is… – Back to the nerdy geocaching talk, we have monthly meet ups where we nerd out about all things geocaching. My name tag is a trackable that other geocachers can discover.
  • Inhaler – duh.
  • 160GB Ipod – I gifted myself this gem after a break up – and have found that I need about 9 more of them. When will the 1TB Ipod be out guys?!


  • Nintendo DS games – The top two and lower Princess Peach case all have Nintendo DS games in them. They hold most of my collection but there are ones that are kicking around at home. Never know when you feel like throwing your current game out the window and want to swap for something else, or have a vs. battle with someone in Mario Kart.
  • Water glitter bracelets – More loot from Sunsplash, who knows when you need a little sass.
  • Pull back race cars – Also from Sunsplash, they are nice to have to kill the boredom.
  • Sephora Hello Kitty Compact – I love this thing, and all things Hello Kitty. Mirrors are not only great to have to check your teeth after that delicious garlic bread, but to show your patient how badly they really do need to come with you to medical attention after they took that digger up the stairs while balancing 3 beers.

So that’s about it. There are a few other random items within my bag, but a girl can’t give away all her secrets.

In other news – I got a phone call saying that the Xbox’s were repaired and ready to pick up! YAY.

15 October, 2012

Confined to the phone

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For those of you that have not read my previous posts, I moved at the beginning of October. My current set up does not give me enough space to have my PC set up, and after the demise of my laptop in June of last year, I am left computerless. OH THE HORROR. Seriously, it has been quite an adjustment. I would say my connectivity/addiction to the internet and my computer has decreased over the last couple of years – it is still rather frustrating that I cannot simply jump on my computer and look something up or work on an art project.

SO – I am confined to my iPhone at this time. Please forgive me for any janky formatted posts or weird pictures as I am still trying to work out the kinks from using the app. My biggest problem thus far has been that the app will only upload low resolution/300×200 versions of my photos, which I find frustrating. I’m sure that I will resort to uploading them directly to my hosting and linking them from there, but I really wish I could figure out how to upload them from my phone in the app.

10 October, 2012