My week in an instant

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Hi Friends! I had higher hopes of posting some stuff this weekend, but most of it was spent in bed with amazing (awful) migraine. Unfortunately I am part of the masses that have no medical insurance so I can no longer afford my prescription medication for said migraines. I have become an amateur chemist now trying to find a nice balance of pain meds to help alleviate my pain. Anyways, I am feeling better, so on with my past week in pictures!


A delicious pumpkin spice cupcake with vanilla frosting!

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My OCD coming through when it comes to Tiny Tower and the lovely clouds on my way to work one morning.


Starbucks riding the failtrain and giving me a fork with my oatmeal 🙁

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My awesome little metal monkey that I got from a Toys R Us quarter machine and my fingers after eating some DELICIOUS Peppermint Bark Chex Mix


My janky computer set up – no internet, but at least a computer!

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An OMG moment of The Impulsive Buy linking and new food that I sampled yesterday for the blog!

29 October, 2012
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